Monday, December 29, 2008

Studies & Zen

The room is in a mess.

It is actually quite alright. However, I should still chuck away EVERYTHING so as to make my room really ZEN.

Getting ready to start studying. No matter whether am I able to get into the course. Nevertheless, studying is always good.

A regime. What a long time ago that is.

A regime, is some sort of a comfort zone actually. Falling into it. As it guarantees a certain result. At the end of the day... Sticking to it. Just do it. Reaping what was sown.


Ok, time for bed. Nite.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Sleep. Is it a waste of time? Or a Critical Rest so that you can get more out of your available time?

Get over it...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Here it all began

Got the Dell Mini 9 two nights ago.


I am exceptionally tired today. Perhaps from several days of trying to get to work via bus-mrt-bus. Everyone is like consoling me that tomorrow is Friday.

Well, didn't they realize that it also means its 3 days to Monday should Friday comes?

Cycle. One big cycle. Everyone trapped in this cycle.
Who's the able ones who are able to get out?
Who's gonna fail and fall flat on the face?